Denmark’s Prince Felix was confirmed in the Fredensborg Palace Chapel on Saturday, 1 April 2017 during a service led by the Royal Chaplain Erik Norman Svensden.

HH Prince Felix's Confirmation
HH Prince Felix. Photo: Steen Brogaard, Kongehuset ©

Prince Felix’s parents, Prince Joachim and Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, and his stepmother Princess Marie, his older brother Nikolai, younger brother Prince Henrik and little sister Princess Athena, were present to witness this big milestone.

HH Prince Felix's Confirmation
Prince Felix, Prince Joachim, Princess Marie, Countess of Frederiksborg, Prince Nikolai, Prince Henrik and Princess Athena. Photo: Steen Brogaard, Kongehuset ©

The Prince’s godparents, Christian Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Oscar Davidson Siesby, Damian Sibley, Martina Bent and Annick Boel joined members of the Danish Royal Family, including Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary, and their four children, Christian, Isabella, Vincent and Josephine.

HH Prince Felix's Confirmation
Prince Felix with Queen Margrethe, Prince Henrik, Prince Joachim and Countess of Frederiksborg, Princess Marie, Prince Nikolai, Prince Henrik, Princess Athena, Mrs Christa Manley and Prince’s godparents Christian Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Oscar Davidsen Siesbye, Damian Sibley, Martina Bent and Annick Boel. Photo: Steen Brogaard, Kongehuset ©

Prince Felix’s maternal grandmother Mrs Christa Mandley was also present, as she joined the family for official photographs.

HH Prince Felix's Confirmation
Prince Joachim and Alexandra Countess of Frederiksborg with Prince Felix. Photo: Steen Brogaard, Kongehuset ©

Queen Margrethe was confirmed at the Palace Chapel in 1955, followed by Princess Benedikte in 1959, Queen Anne-Marie of Greece in 1961, Crown Prince Frederik in 1981, Prince Joachim in 1982 and Prine Nikolai in 2013.

HH Prince Felix's Confirmation
Prince Felix with Queen Margrethe Prince Henrik, Prince Joachim and Princess Marie, Countess of Frederiksborg, Prince Nikolai, Prince Henrik, Princess Athena and Mrs Christa Manley. Photo: Steen Brogaard, Kongehuset ©

Architect Johan Cornelius Krueger built Fredensborg Palace for Frederik IV between 1719 and 1722 as a hunting lodge, with the Palace Chapel added between 1724 and 1726.

Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik use Fredensborg Palace for three months during spring and another three months in autumn.

The royal family often celebrate important events at Fredensborg Palace including weddings, wedding anniversaries and birthdays. Queen Margrethe also receives heads of state as well as ambassadors presenting their credentials.

During State Visits, visiting heads of state continue the tradition of scratching their names on panes of window glass with a diamond, including Belgium’s King Philippe and Queen Mathilde who visited earlier this week.

See more photographs of Prince Felix’s Confirmation.

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