The Danish Royal Court has confirmed details Prince Henrik has been diagnosed with Dementia.

Prince Henrik with Queen Margrethe II aboard the royal yacht Dannebrog. Kongehuset ©

A specialist team at Rigshospitalet made the diagnosis after a long investigation and a series of examinations during the late summer months.

The diagnosis implies a decline in Prince Henrik’s cognitive functional level, which is greater than usual, according to Rigshospitalet, due to the Prince’s age. This can be accompanied by changes in behaviour, reaction patterns, judgement and emotional life, and may also affect interaction with other people.

As a result, Prince Henrik, aged 83, will be reducing his activities, including patronages and honorary memberships, although he retired from public life last year and renouncing his title of Prince Consort.

Queen Margrethe and the Danish Royal Family wish that Prince Henrik is given the peace and quiet that he needs during this time.

Prince Henrik spent nine days at the University Hospital in Aarhus during July, where he had an operation in his right groin.

He was readmitted to Rigshospitalet last month after suffering pain in his right leg, due to a previous injury.

Prince Henrik had retired from public duties in 2016 and he caused controversy last month by refusing to be buried at Roskilde Cathedral alongside his wife and her predecessors.

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