Right Royal Roundup is an Australian-based radio show with regular updates about various royal families, including births, weddings and overseas visits.

We aim to provide reliable royal news to all our listeners and readers.

We welcome feedback for our shows and articles but we will delete any offensive or inappropriate comments, including scams, bullying, harassment and foul language. Repeat offenders will be reported and blocked.

If you can help us out financially, that would be fantastic, please subscribe to cover ongoing costs and to support our work.

Costs A$20 per month or A$100 per year.

If you face any technical difficulties, please email us at admin@rightroyalroundup.com.au with the details.

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Right Royal Return

Since the NSW Government introduced Return and Earn, we have been doing our bit for the environment by recycling cans and bottles, including those dumped in streets around Tamworth, at the local reverse vending machines.

Every eligible aluminium, plastic and glass bottles earn 10c, which helps to make our planet cleaner.

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