King Charles gave a speech during the D-Day National Commemoration at the British Normandy Memorial at Ver-sur-Mer on Thursday, 6 June 2024.
Queen Elizabeth II Christmas Speech 2019 Preview
Queen Elizabeth's Christmas Speech was filmed in the Green Drawing Room at Windsor Castle this year. #Royal #QueensChristmasSpeech
Podcast: D-Day 75th Anniversary, Juan Carlos Retires & Royal Book Launch

US President Donald Trump meets Queen Elizabeth, D-Day 75th Anniversary, including George VI's Speech, King Juan Carlos retires and Princess Madeleine's book launch.
Queen Elizabeth II Audience With Scott Morrison
Queen Elizabeth received Australian Prime Minister, the Hon Scott Morrison, and his wife Jenny at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, 4 June 2019, during a very busy schedule. Scott Morrison also bought a copy of Andrew Rule’s biography of champion racehorse Winx inside a red gift bag as a present. According to reports, the horse’s owners…
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